The late beloved actor Alan Rickman won the hearts of fans worldwide with his spectacular portrayal of Professor Severus Snape in the Harry Potter film series. While he did an immaculate job with his on-screen performance and even got along with the cast to the point where everyone bid each other a teary-eyed farewell, he did get annoyed sometimes on sets as well.
The beloved legend, gone too soon: Alan Rickman
Just like he did during the early film shoots of ‘The Boy Who Lived’s series. In fact, working with youngsters as a professional actor got him so frustrated at times that once, he even had an insulting remark about co-star Emma Watson’s pronunciation, or as he wrote, ‘diction’ during the shoot of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in the summer of 2003.
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Alan Rickman Vented On Emma Watson’s ‘Diction’ During Early Harry Potter Movies
A still from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
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Though the legendary star Alan Rickman is long gone now, he has left behind his diaries which have brought forward his frustration toward his cast during the early Harry Potter movies.
In an excerpt from Madly, Deeply: The Diaries of Alan Rickman, the Sense and Sensibility actor wrote a sarcastic entry on the 30th of July, 2003 (via The Guardian):
“The day got off to a fabulous start with the screen guillotining onto my head, a sudden, swift blackout followed by day-long melancholy. Alfonso [Cuarón, director] was quietly ballistic with me. I love him too much to let it last too long so I wailed offset and we sorted it out. He’s under the usual HP pressure and even he starts rehearsing cameras before actors.”
Continuing, he then vented about co-star Emma Watson‘s ‘diction’ all the while letting out his annoyance at his young co-stars, claiming they need some serious ‘directing’.
“These kids need directing. They don’t know their lines and Emma [Watson]’s diction is this side of Albania at times. Plus my so-called rehearsal is with a stand-in who is French.”
However, that was only during the beginning of the film series, and before he knew it, Alan Rickman was all too attached to his beloved young co-stars.
Also Read: “It made me smile and smile”: Alan Rickman Revealed His Favorite Harry Potter Movie Despite Having a Row With Oscar-Winning Director
Alan Rickman’s Claimed Daniel Radcliffe Would ‘Undoubtedly Direct/Produce’
Alan Rickman with Daniel Radcliffe
In another entry on the 2nd of May, 2003, Alan Rickman expressed his appraisal of co-star Daniel Radcliffe, all the while claiming the Harry Potter portrayer would ‘undoubtedly direct/produce’. He wrote:
“[Daniel Radcliffe]’s so concentrated now. Serious and focused – but with a sense of fun. I still don’t think he’s really an actor but he will undoubtedly direct/produce. And he has such quiet, dignified support from his parents. Nothing is pushed.”
Although Alan Rickman is gone too long now to encourage Radcliffe to jump on the director’s seat, perhaps the Kill Your Darlings actor will go ahead and fulfill both Rickman’s and his fans’ wishes. Who knows?